News / Concerts

Impressions of the Kunstraum Engländerbau

An impression of the light installation in the Engländerbau

… and the full concert

Impressive installation by Stoph Sauter

The artist Stoph Sauter is an outstanding exponent of irritating ambiguity and a pilot in the confusing world of transitions and contradictions, which he has partly created himself. His current installation in the Engländerbau in Vaduz first shows in the linguistic area, how a small shift of sounds, accentuation or punctuation can give or take a completely new meaning. Unexpectedly the viewer finds himself in an intermediate space, in which usual laws are no longer valid. So the question arises as to when a supposedly unordered juxtaposition of clicks, hisses and vowels is already a word? When does it become a text or a language? Which laws are underlying the structure of a language? When, e.g. is an object moving slowly, when is it fast – or “nearly fast”?

In the acoustic world, the question arises as to when juxtaposition of sounds in their various colors and tints are still noises, and when they are already perceived as music. So here too there is an intermediate space, “almost music” so to say, where one can try to explore the limits of where, for example, an electronically created hum and noise or a digital crack and hiss connect to something that can be music – or not.

The light sculptures shown by Stoph Sauter with their alienations through glasses or mirrors can also be made audible. The laser spots as highly concentrated light correspond to percussive elements or compressed sound waves with glaring peaks. The traces left by the rotating points of light on the walls form stripes and lines that correspond to a sound flow and a spatial reverberation. Eventually, when the whole room is flooded with a dense red, a kind of background appears as an atmospheric sound. Metal plates produce oscillating effects, glasses become filters, mirrors create reflections and echoes, and the rotating rays create circular sound surfaces. Is it still light, already sound or even “nearly music”?

Inspired by Stoph Sauter’s installation, several pieces were created for this occasion, which can be put together again and again with different combinations of sequences and sound generators and can be freely and openly designed with live performance. The result is a performance in this particular space in which light and sound can merge into one another. ”

Soloperformance “Almost Music”, 25.5.2018, 19.00h, Engländerbau Vaduz.

Requiem for the Bees

On April 6, 2018, I was able to perform my conposition “Requiem for the Bees” at the Engländerbau in Vaduz on the occasion of the 80th birthday of Sunhild Wollwage for the exhibition “… and I bedded her on velvet”, at least a part of it. It’s a sound performance that I just finished. That I “accidentally” realized, that Sunhild did an installation on dead bees while I was working on music over that theme and that I was allowed to perform this piece on her birthday, is one of those wondrous crossroads of lines that CG Jung has called synchronicity. I admire Subnhild Wollwage for this exhibition with 1000 bees on 1000 velvet cushions and for her life’s work. The exhibition can be seen for a few more days. I am also grateful to her for the dedication she wrote to me in the book “Andando” – in mirror font: “Everything fits so well together.”

Surprise at Kunstraum Liechtenstein

A very touching exhibition can currently be seen in the Kunstraum Liechtenstein, Engländerbau Vaduz. The artist Sunhild Wollwage has created an installation, with 1000 bees on 1000 velvet cushions: “… and I bedded them on velvet”. I am very affected with the dying of bees and other insects, and I’ve already written some music for that.

At april 6th there is a birthday party in the Engländer Haus, Sunhild Wollwage is 80 years old and there will be a surprise.

Go Ambient plays at Irmgard Kramers reading

On March 3, 2018, a reading by Irmgard Kramer ( took place at the „Alte Seifenfabrik“ in Lauterach. She read from her new book „17 Findings on Leander Blum“, which was published in February 2018. The topic are two young people who have dedicated themselves to the world of graffiti. For this event Irmgard could win the street art artist PEKS (, who created in 1 1/2h hours a large-scale work of art during the event. Besides literature and painting Go Ambient represented the music. All together gave a very coherent overall impression.

The performance was filmed and this resulted in a video clip. The cut for the Go Ambient homepage is dedicated primarily to the musical performance. In addition there are brief impressions of the reading by Irmgard and the painting by PEKS.

Our new Album – available today!

There is one more reason for us to celebrate this time of the year: Our new album is available for sale! You can buy it right here on our website – or just wait a couple more days until you can get it on apple music, Spotify or Amazon Music.

If you want a hardcopy, just write us an Email ( – we’d like to hear from you.

This album was created in cooperation with Klaus Anton from resonare-music.

Stones above the water

Go Ambient in the local newspaper.
